I'm Doing a english speech on propaganda my topic is "Women Should rule the world", can you help write by giving me main points to force on and what to say or make them think about or just write me the speech for me

We will not write the speech for you!!

Women should rule the world because they are peaceful by nature, usually use common sense, and will support the interests of children.

English is the language of opportunity

Why brother to teach indigenous language ?

Of course! I can help you by providing some main points and guiding you on how to structure your speech on the topic of "Women Should Rule the World." However, it's important to note that providing a complete speech is beyond the scope of this platform. Instead, I will offer you some ideas that you can expand upon and incorporate into your own speech. Here are four main points to consider:

1. Equality and diversity:
a. Start by emphasizing the importance of equality and diversity in leadership positions.
b. Highlight the benefits of having women in leadership roles, such as different perspectives, experiences, and skills they can bring to the table.

2. Challenging stereotypes:
a. Discuss how women have historically faced stereotypes and prejudices when it comes to leadership.
b. Highlight successful examples of women leaders who have defied expectations and excelled in various fields.

3. Empathy and collaboration:
a. Explore the argument that women possess intrinsic qualities such as empathy, compassion, and cooperation, which are valuable in leading and solving complex problems.
b. Highlight studies that show the positive impact of women's leadership on team dynamics, decision-making processes, and overall organizational success.

4. Global movements:
a. Discuss international initiatives and movements that promote gender equality in leadership positions.
b. Mention successful examples of countries with female leaders who have positively influenced their societies and the global perception of women in politics.

Remember to include personal anecdotes, statistics, and examples to support each of these main points. Additionally, consider addressing counterarguments to provide a well-rounded perspective. Good luck with your speech!