Arrange the following pure solid elements in order of increasing electrical conductivity: C, Hg, As

To arrange the pure solid elements in order of increasing electrical conductivity, we need to consider their properties. Electrical conductivity depends on the presence of free electrons and the ability of these electrons to move within a material.

1. Carbon (C): Carbon is a non-metal and a poor conductor of electricity. It exists in multiple forms, such as graphite and diamond. Graphite, which consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, is a relatively good conductor due to the presence of delocalized electrons that can move freely between the layers. However, in its pure solid form, carbon is predominantly a poor conductor of electricity.

2. Arsenic (As): Arsenic is a metalloid, which means it has properties of both metals and non-metals. It is a semi-conductor, meaning it can conduct electricity but less effectively compared to metals. The electrical conductivity of arsenic is influenced by temperature and impurities present in the material.

3. Mercury (Hg): Mercury is a metal and a good conductor of electricity. Metals generally have high electrical conductivity due to the presence of free electrons that can move easily within their atomic structure. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature, but it is still considered a solid element because it does not evaporate easily.

Based on these properties, the elements can be arranged in increasing order of electrical conductivity as follows:

C < As < Hg

Please note that this ordering is not absolute as the electrical conductivity of a material can vary depending on various factors like temperature, impurities, and the structure of the material.