
To solve the equation (x-11)^(1/2) = 3, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root:
[(x-11)^(1/2)]^2 = 3^2

This simplifies to:
x - 11 = 9

Step 2: Add 11 to both sides of the equation to isolate the x-term:
x - 11 + 11 = 9 + 11

This simplifies to:
x = 20

Therefore, the solution to the equation (x-11)^(1/2) = 3 is x = 20.

To verify the solution, substitute x = 20 back into the original equation:
(20-11)^(1/2) = 3
9^(1/2) = 3
The square root of 9 is indeed 3, so the solution is correct.

In summary, to solve the equation (x-11)^(1/2) = 3, we squared both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root and then simplified the equation to find x = 20 as the solution.