For the number of employed people,

why would there be so few labourers and so many professionals?

There can be various reasons why there might be fewer laborers and more professionals among the employed population. Some possible explanations include:

1. Skill requirements: The modern job market is increasingly focused on knowledge and specialized skills. Professions like doctors, engineers, and software developers require extensive education, training, and expertise. As a result, there may be more opportunities for professionals who possess these skills compared to laborers who typically perform manual or routine tasks.

2. Technological advancements: With the rapid advancement of technology and automation, many manual or repetitive tasks are being replaced by machines or software. This automation trend can reduce the demand for laborers in certain industries, as companies seek more efficient and cost-effective alternatives.

3. Economic shift: The structure of the economy plays a significant role in the distribution of employment. As economies develop and transition from being primarily based on agriculture or manufacturing toward service-oriented industries, the demand for professionals increases. These sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and information technology, often require higher levels of education and specialized skills.

4. Educational attainment: Professionals typically require higher levels of education compared to laborers. If a country or region has a better education system that emphasizes tertiary education and provides opportunities for skill development, there might be a higher number of professionals in the workforce.

It's worth noting that these reasons are general observations and can vary depending on the specific country, industry, and economic conditions. To have a more accurate understanding of the labor market dynamics and the specific reasons why there might be fewer laborers and more professionals, it would be important to analyze comprehensive labor market data, conduct research, or seek expert opinions.