I have a term paper and its on the Prohibition era, and i want to know if this thesis is the best, and if not,could you help reform it? thesis:

Prohibition of alcohol in the United States during the 1900's was enacted to reduce crime, have a healthy country, and also to have a well-balanced family

You haven't taken a stand. You need to state your opinion in the thesis statement.


To assess the quality of your thesis and potentially reform it, let's break it down into its main components. Your thesis statement suggests that Prohibition was implemented in the United States in the 1900s to achieve three main goals: reducing crime, promoting a healthy country, and fostering well-balanced families.

To determine if this is the best thesis, you should consider the following:

1. Research: Look into primary and secondary sources to understand the reasons behind Prohibition and its intended goals. Review historical documents, academic articles, books, and reputable websites to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

2. Analysis: Evaluate the evidence you have gathered to determine if your three proposed goals of Prohibition align with the historical context. Look for common themes or widely accepted explanations for why Prohibition was implemented.

3. Refinement: Based on your research and analysis, consider adjusting your thesis to reflect the strongest and most supported arguments. It is important to focus on the main objectives that historians agree upon and that you can substantiate with evidence.

Without further information about the specific historical context and research you have conducted, it is difficult to definitively say whether your thesis is the best or suggest specific reforms. However, you may want to consider the following thesis reformulation as a starting point:

"The implementation of Prohibition in the United States during the 1900s aimed to address societal concerns and reduce alcohol-related issues, including crime rates, public health risks, and family instability."

This revised thesis maintains the core concepts of your original thesis while clarifying the broader societal concerns and presenting a more balanced approach. Remember, your thesis should accurately reflect your research findings and the historical context surrounding Prohibition.