Why do you think the legacy of Roman Law is so important?

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

Because it gave people rights. Right?

Yes. It also specified specific crimes and punishments. It attempted to be fair to everyone.

Okay Thank you very much Ms. Sue!!!!!

You're very welcome.

The legacy of Roman Law is considered important for several reasons. First and foremost, Roman law was one of the earliest and most comprehensive legal systems in recorded history. It laid the foundation for many principles of modern law and greatly influenced legal traditions across the globe.

To understand why the legacy of Roman Law is important, you can consider the following points:

1. Codification of Laws: The Romans were pioneers in organizing laws into comprehensive codes. The most famous Roman law code is the "Justinian's Code" or "Corpus Juris Civilis," which codified the entire body of Roman law. This codification approach provided a framework for legal systems to be more organized, accessible, and efficient, which continues to be influential today.

2. Summary of Legal Principles: Roman Law distilled complex legal principles into clear and concise concepts. For instance, the concepts of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality before the law" are rooted in Roman legal concepts. These principles formed the bedrock of modern legal systems, promoting fairness and justice.

3. Influence on Western Legal Systems: Roman Law had a profound impact on the development of legal systems in Western civilizations, particularly in continental Europe. During the Middle Ages, when many legal systems were fragmented and inconsistent, Roman Law provided a coherent and comprehensive legal framework. This influence is evident in legal concepts, terminology, and institutions across many European legal systems, including civil law.

4. Civil Rights and Individual Liberties: Roman Law recognized and protected certain civil rights and individual liberties such as property rights, contractual freedom, and the rights of women. These concepts contributed to the development of legal systems that recognize and safeguard fundamental human rights.

5. Legal Education: Roman law helped lay the foundation for legal education. The study of Roman Law, particularly during the Renaissance, became an essential part of legal training in European universities, shaping the legal minds of subsequent generations.

In conclusion, the legacy of Roman Law is important due to its early codification, its influence on modern legal systems globally, its principles of fairness and justice, its impact on civil rights and individual liberties, and its contribution to legal education. Understanding the historical significance of Roman Law helps us appreciate the evolution and development of legal systems that have shaped societies worldwide.