the ratio of mango juice to guava juice in Paradise Punch is 5 to 3. Leilani has 32 fl oz of mango juice. How much guave juice does she need?

To find out how much guava juice Leilani needs, we can use the given ratio of mango juice to guava juice in Paradise Punch, which is 5 to 3.

Step 1: Determine the ratio factor.
The ratio factor is determined by adding the two parts of the ratio together. In this case, 5 (mango juice) + 3 (guava juice) = 8.

Step 2: Divide the given amount of mango juice by the ratio factor.
Leilani has 32 fl oz of mango juice, so we divide it by the ratio factor: 32 fl oz / 8 = 4 fl oz.

Step 3: Multiply the result by the guava juice part of the ratio.
The result from step 2 represents one part of the ratio. To find the corresponding amount of guava juice, we need to multiply it by the guava juice part of the ratio, which is 3: 4 fl oz * 3 = 12 fl oz.

Therefore, Leilani needs 12 fl oz of guava juice.

(3/5)*32 = ____ fl. oz.