
To solve the equation tan(3x) = (3tan(x) - tan^3(x))/(1 - 3tan^2(x)), we can start by simplifying the expression on the right side.

Step 1: Expand tan(3x) using the trigonometric identity:
tan(3x) = (tan(x) + tan(2x))/(1 - tan(x)tan(2x))

Step 2: Substitute the expanded expression into the equation:
(tan(x) + tan(2x))/(1 - tan(x)tan(2x)) = (3tan(x) - tan^3(x))/(1 - 3tan^2(x))

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by (1 - 3tan^2(x)) to eliminate the denominator on the right-hand side:
(tan(x) + tan(2x))(1 - 3tan^2(x)) = (3tan(x) - tan^3(x))

Step 4: Expand and simplify the left-hand side:
tan(x) + tan(2x) - 3tan^3(x) - 3tan(x)tan(2x) = 3tan(x) - tan^3(x)

Step 5: Rearrange the terms and combine like terms:
4tan(x) - tan^3(x) + tan(2x) - 3tan(x)tan(2x) - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 6: Factor out a common factor of tan(x):
tan(x)(4 - tan^2(x)) + tan(2x)(1 - 3tan^2(x)) - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 7: Factor out another common factor of tan(x):
tan(x)[(4 - tan^2(x)) + tan(2x)(1 - 3tan^2(x))] - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 8: Apply the trigonometric identity tan(2x) = (2tan(x))/(1 - tan^2(x)):
tan(x)[(4 - tan^2(x)) + (2tan(x))(1 - 3tan^2(x))] - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 9: Simplify the expression inside the brackets:
tan(x)(4 - tan^2(x) + 2tan(x) - 6tan^3(x) + 2tan^3(x)) - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 10: Combine like terms inside the brackets:
tan(x)(4 - tan^2(x) + 2tan(x) - 4tan^3(x)) - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 11: Simplify the expression inside the brackets further:
tan(x)(4 + 2tan(x) - tan^2(x) - 4tan^3(x)) - 3tan^3(x) = 0

Step 12: Factor out a common factor of tan(x):
tan(x)[4 + 2tan(x) - tan^2(x) - 4tan^3(x) - 3tan^2(x)] = 0

Step 13: Combine like terms inside the brackets:
tan(x)(4 + 2tan(x) - 4tan^3(x) - 4tan^2(x)) = 0

Step 14: Factor out a common factor of 2tan(x):
tan(x)[4 + 2tan(x) - 4tan^2(x) - 4tan^3(x)] = 0

Now, we have two possible solutions for the equation:
1) tan(x) = 0
2) 4 + 2tan(x) - 4tan^2(x) - 4tan^3(x) = 0

To solve these equations, we can use algebraic methods or graphing techniques to find the values of x that satisfy the equations.

To solve the equation tan(3x) = (3tan(x) - tan^3(x)) / (1 - 3tan^2(x)), we can simplify the equation and use trigonometric identities.

Step 1: Replace tan(3x) with its equivalent expression using trigonometric identities:
tan(3x) = (3tan(x) - tan^3(x)) / (1 - 3tan^2(x))

Step 2: Apply the identity for tan(3x):
(3tan(x) - tan^3(x)) / (1 - 3tan^2(x)) = sin(3x) / cos(3x)

Step 3: Use the identity for sin(3x):
(3tan(x) - tan^3(x)) / (1 - 3tan^2(x)) = (3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)) / (cos^3(x) - 3cos(x))

Step 4: Simplify the equation by multiplying both sides by the denominator:
(3tan(x) - tan^3(x)) * (cos^3(x) - 3cos(x)) = (3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x))

Step 5: Distribute on the left-hand side:
3tan(x)cos^3(x) - 3tan^3(x)cos^3(x) - 9tan(x)cos(x) + 9tan^3(x)cos(x) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

Step 6: Simplify further:
3tan(x)cos^3(x) - 3tan^3(x)cos^3(x) - 9tan(x)cos(x) + 9tan^3(x)cos(x) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

Step 7: Group like terms:
(3tan(x)cos^3(x) - 9tan(x)cos(x)) - (3tan^3(x)cos^3(x) - 9tan^3(x)cos(x)) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

Step 8: Factor out common terms:
3tan(x)cos(x)(cos^2(x) - 3) - 3tan^3(x)cos(x)(cos^2(x) - 3) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

Step 9: Factor out (cos^2(x) - 3):
(cos^2(x) - 3)(3tan(x)cos(x) - 3tan^3(x)cos(x)) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

Step 10: Simplify further:
(cos^2(x) - 3)(3tan(x) - 3tan^3(x))cos(x) = 3sin(x) - 4sin^3(x)

At this point, we have simplified the equation as much as possible. However, it is important to note that there may not be an exact algebraic solution for this equation. To find the values of x that satisfy the equation, you can use numerical methods or a graphing calculator.

LS = tan(3x)

= tan(2x + x)
= (tan2x + tanx)/(1- tan2x tanx)

= [2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + tanx ] / [(1 - 2tanx(tanx)/(1 - tan^2 x) ]
multiply top and bottom by 1 - tan^2 x
(2tanx + tanx + tan^3 x)/(1 - tan^2 x - tan^2 x)
= (3tanx + tan^3 x)/(1 - 3tan^2 x)
= RS