The vecotr u= <4400, 4500> gives the number of two models of laptops produced by a company. The vector v=<1600, 950> gives the prices (in dollars) of the two models of laptops, respectively. Identify the vector operation used to increase revenue by 3.5%

Please help, I don't even know where to start...
Thank You.

U dot V = 4400*1600 + 4500*950

Now to increase this sum by 3.5%, one could increase the production numbers, increase the cost, those on both,or just one of the models. So I am not certain there is a unique solution.

Thank you!!!!!! I'll have to ask tommorrow about the 3.5%

To increase revenue by 3.5%, we need to multiply the price vector by a scalar.

Let's denote the scalar by r. We also need to consider that the revenue is the product of the number of laptops sold and their respective prices.

Given that the number of laptops sold is represented by the vector u=<4400, 4500>, and the prices are represented by the vector v=<1600, 950>, we need to find the vector operation that will result in a 3.5% increase in revenue.

We can do this by multiplying the price vector v by the scalar r, where r=1+0.035=1.035.

The resulting vector operation is:

w = r * v

Applying the scalar multiplication:

w = 1.035 * <1600, 950>

Calculating each component of the resulting vector:

w = <1.035 * 1600, 1.035 * 950>
= <1660, 981.25>