∫ t ln(t-2)dt

To evaluate the integral ∫ t ln(t-2) dt, we can use integration by parts. Integration by parts is a technique that allows us to rewrite the integral of a product of two functions as the product of an antiderivative of one function and the integral of another function.

The formula for integration by parts is given by:

∫ u dv = uv - ∫ v du,

where u and v are functions of t and du and dv are their respective differentials.

In this case, we can choose u = ln(t-2) and dv = t dt.

To solve for du and v, we differentiate u and integrate dv:

du = 1/(t-2) dt,

v = ∫ t dt = t^2/2.

Now, we can apply the integration by parts formula:

∫ t ln(t-2) dt = uv - ∫ v du
= ln(t-2) * (t^2/2) - ∫ (t^2/2) * (1/(t-2)) dt.

Simplifying the expression, we have:

∫ t ln(t-2) dt = (t^2/2) ln(t-2) - 1/2 ∫ t^2/(t-2) dt.

Next, we need to evaluate the remaining integral ∫ t^2/(t-2) dt. To do this, we can use partial fraction decomposition.

We can express t^2/(t-2) as a sum of two fractions:

t^2/(t-2) = A + B(t-2),

where A and B are constants to be determined.

By multiplying both sides of the equation by (t-2) and then substituting t=2, we can solve for A:

2^2/(2-2) = A + B(2-2)
4/0 = A + B(0)
A = 4.

Now, let's differentiate both sides of the equation t^2/(t-2) = A + B(t-2) and then substitute t=2. This will allow us to solve for B:

d/dt [t^2/(t-2)] = d/dt [A + B(t-2)]
.....2(t-2)(t-2) = 0 + B(1-0)
.....4 = B.

Therefore, A = 4 and B = 4.

Substituting A = 4 and B = 4 back into the expression for ∫ t^2/(t-2) dt, we obtain:

∫ t ln(t-2) dt = (t^2/2) ln(t-2) - 1/2 ∫ t^2/(t-2) dt
= (t^2/2) ln(t-2) - 1/2 ∫ (4 + 4(t-2)) dt
= (t^2/2) ln(t-2) - 1/2 [4t + 4(t^2/2-2t)] + C,
where C is the constant of integration.

Thus, the final solution is:

∫ t ln(t-2) dt = (t^2/2) ln(t-2) - (2t^2 - 4t) + C.