The midpoint of rectangle PTQW is (-0.5,6). The coordinates of P are (-3.5,6). What are the coordinates of Q?

let the other end point be (x,y)

so (x-3.5)/2 = -.5
x-3.5 = -1
x = 2.5

(y+6)/2 = 6
y+6 = 12
y = 6

other point is (2.5 , 6)

Thanks so much.....ur rite!

Ok, one more question. U see when u have (x-3.5)/2 = -.5

x-3.5 = -1 (how did u get -1)

@enno , there is -1 because :

we had : (x-3.5)/2 = -.5

multiplying 2 both sides

(x-3.5)/2 *2 = -.5 *2

x-3.5 = -1

and then you can proceed easily.

if a/b = c

then a = bc

I hope it helped u though I helped u 1 year later :P

To find the coordinates of point Q, we need to use the information given about the midpoint of the rectangle and the coordinates of point P.

The midpoint formula states that the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment are the average of the coordinates of its endpoints.

Let's apply this formula to our problem:

The midpoint of rectangle PTQW is (-0.5, 6).
The coordinates of point P are (-3.5, 6).

To find the x-coordinate of point Q, we can subtract the x-coordinate of point P from the double of the x-coordinate of the midpoint.
x-coordinate of Q = 2 * x-coordinate of the midpoint - x-coordinate of P = 2 * (-0.5) - (-3.5) = -1 + 3.5 = 2.5

To find the y-coordinate of point Q, we can subtract the y-coordinate of point P from the double of the y-coordinate of the midpoint.
y-coordinate of Q = 2 * y-coordinate of the midpoint - y-coordinate of P = 2 * 6 - 6 = 12 - 6 = 6

Therefore, the coordinates of point Q are (2.5, 6).