Hello I was wondering if you could correct my homework. Thanks.

Identify each italicized verbal in the following sentences as a participle or gerund.

1. Enjoyed by people throughout history, amateur athletic competitions can be very beneficial.
- enjoyed = participle

2. Winning an event is only part of the reason athletes compete.
- Winning = gerund

3. In addition, the love of a sport, the best reason for entering into competition, usually grows as an athlete's performance improves.
- entering = participle

4. Furthermore, sharing hard work with teammates leads a person to appreciate cooperative efforts.
- sharing = gerund

5. Participating in state, national, and international competitions is important to many amateur athletes.
- Participating = participle

6. Wanting to be recognized for their talent, the athletes compete against their peers in such events.
- Wanting = gerund

These are correct: 1, 2, and 4.

Great job on identifying the verbals in the sentences! Here's the corrected version:

1. Enjoyed by people throughout history, amateur athletic competitions can be very beneficial.
- enjoyed = participle (correct)

2. Winning an event is only part of the reason athletes compete.
- Winning = gerund (correct)

3. In addition, the love of a sport, the best reason for entering into competition, usually grows as an athlete's performance improves.
- entering = gerund (not a participle)

4. Furthermore, sharing hard work with teammates leads a person to appreciate cooperative efforts.
- sharing = gerund (correct)

5. Participating in state, national, and international competitions is important to many amateur athletes.
- Participating = gerund (not a participle)

6. Wanting to be recognized for their talent, the athletes compete against their peers in such events.
- Wanting = gerund (correct)

To determine whether a verbal is a participle or a gerund, it helps to understand the differences between the two.

- A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective. It modifies a noun or a pronoun.
In sentence 1, "enjoyed" is describing the amateur athletic competitions, so it is functioning as an adjective.

- A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. It can be the subject or object of a sentence, or it can be used in a prepositional phrase.
In sentence 2, "winning" is the subject of the sentence, so it is functioning as a noun.

Remember that a gerund always ends in -ing, just like a present participle. The key is to look at how the word is used in the sentence and determine its function.