the product of 3 and y is less than or equal to the sum of y and 6

3y <= y + 6

2y <= 6

To solve the equation, we need to translate the given information into an inequality.

"The product of 3 and y" can be written as 3y.
"The sum of y and 6" can be written as y + 6.
The inequality can be written as:

3y ≤ y + 6.

To isolate the variable, we need to move the terms containing y to one side of the inequality. Here's how we can do that step by step:

1. Subtract y from both sides of the inequality:
3y - y ≤ y - y + 6
2y ≤ 6.

2. Now, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to solve for y:
2y/2 ≤ 6/2
y ≤ 3.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is y ≤ 3.

To solve the inequality, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the given inequality: 3y ≤ y + 6.

2. First, let's get all the y terms on one side of the inequality. We can do this by subtracting y from both sides: 3y - y ≤ y - y + 6.

Simplifying, we get: 2y ≤ 6.

3. Now, we want to isolate y. Since 2 is multiplied by y, we can divide both sides by 2 to solve for y: (2y)/2 ≤ 6/2.

Simplifying, we get: y ≤ 3.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is y ≤ 3.