how would i set this up?

chelste's diet restricts her intake of protein to 24 g per day. if she eats an 8.0 oz burger that is 15.0% protein, has she exceeded her protein limit for the day? How many ounces of a burger would be allowed for chelste?


There are 28.35 grams to the oz; therefore, 8.0 oz x (28.35 g/oz) = about 220 but if you want an exact answer you need to go through it yourself.
Then 220 x 0.15 = about 33 g or so protein.


To determine whether Chelste has exceeded her protein limit for the day and how many ounces of burger she can consume, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the protein content in the burger eaten:
- Multiply the weight of the burger (8.0 oz) by the protein percentage (15.0%). This will give us the protein content of the burger in grams.
- 8.0 oz * 0.15 = 1.2 oz (protein content)

Step 2: Check if the protein content of the burger exceeds Chelste's protein limit:
- Compare the protein content of the burger (1.2 oz) with Chelste's protein limit (24 g). Remember to convert the protein content to grams.
- 1.2 oz * 28.35 g/oz = 34.02 g (protein content)
- Since 34.02 g is greater than 24 g, the protein limit has been exceeded.

Step 3: Calculate the maximum allowed protein content for Chelste:
- Subtract the protein content of the burger (1.2 oz) from Chelste's protein limit (24 g). Remember to convert the protein content to grams.
- 25 g - 1.2 oz * 28.35 g/oz = 24 g - 34.02 g = -10.02 g

Since -10.02 g is a negative value, it means that Chelste has already exceeded her protein limit for the day. Therefore, she should not consume any more burgers if she wants to stay within her protein restriction.