jamie is saving money to buy a cd player that will cost $58, including tax. she has already saved $16. she can earn $6 per hour doing yard work. how many hours will jamie need to work to earn enough money to buy the cd player?

58 - 16 = 42

42 / 6 = ?

58 - 16= 42

42/6 = 7


To find out how many hours Jamie will need to work to earn enough money to buy the CD player, we'll have to calculate the remaining amount that Jamie needs to save.

Step 1: We know that the cost of the CD player is $58 and Jamie has already saved $16.

Remaining amount = Cost of CD player - Amount saved
Remaining amount = $58 - $16
Remaining amount = $42

So Jamie still needs to save $42.

Step 2: Jamie can earn $6 per hour doing yard work.

To calculate the number of hours Jamie needs to work, we'll divide the remaining amount by the amount earned per hour.

Number of hours = Remaining amount / Amount earned per hour
Number of hours = $42 / $6
Number of hours = 7

Therefore, Jamie will need to work for 7 hours to earn enough money to buy the CD player.