Why were so many people living in the European countryside dependent on aristocracy? (during and before the agricultural revolution in Europe)


During and before the Agricultural Revolution in Europe, many people living in the European countryside were dependent on the aristocracy for several reasons. To understand why, let's break it down step by step:

1. Feudal System: European society at that time, especially during the Middle Ages, operated under a feudal system. This social structure was characterized by major landowners, or aristocrats, who held power and controlled vast estates. They granted land to peasants in exchange for their labor and military service.

2. Land Ownership and Serfdom: The majority of the European countryside was owned by the aristocracy. They held large estates and rented out smaller parcels of land to peasants, who were known as serfs. Serfs were not free, and they were tied to the land they worked on. In return for their labor, they paid rent to the aristocrats and provided them with a portion of their crops.

3. Lack of Opportunities: Before the Agricultural Revolution, the European countryside had limited economic opportunities. Agriculture was the dominant occupation, and most peasants were subsistence farmers who barely produced enough to sustain themselves. There were few alternative employment options or industries, making it difficult for people to break out of the cycle of dependence on the aristocracy.

4. Limited Social Mobility: Social mobility during this period was extremely low. The class into which a person was born largely determined their future prospects. It was challenging for individuals to move up the social ladder, and even if they managed to acquire some wealth or land, they often faced legal and social barriers that kept them from gaining the same privileges as the aristocracy.

5. Political Power and Protection: The aristocracy held significant political power, often acting as local lords or even regional rulers. They protected their tenants and offered them some level of security. In exchange, the peasants provided labor, military service, and loyalty to the aristocracy.

In summary, people in the European countryside were dependent on the aristocracy during and before the Agricultural Revolution due to the feudal system, land ownership patterns, limited economic opportunities, low social mobility, and the political power and protection offered by the aristocracy.