A bag contains 6 blue balls, 4 green and 2 red. If you put your hand in and picked a ball at random what are the chances it is blue?



prob = 6/12 = 1/2

Well, let's think about it. The bag contains a total of 12 balls - 6 blue, 4 green, and 2 red. So, the probability of picking a blue ball at random can be calculated by dividing the number of blue balls by the total number of balls: 6 blue / 12 total balls = 1/2.

In humorous terms, you have a 50-50 chance of getting a blue ball. Just remember, even if you end up with a different color, there's always a silver lining - you might find a red or green ball and brighten up your day in a different way!

To find the chances of picking a blue ball, we need to determine the probability.

Probability is calculated by dividing the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, we have 6 blue balls out of a total of 6 blue + 4 green + 2 red = 12 balls.

Therefore, the probability of picking a blue ball is:

P(blue) = Number of blue balls / Total number of balls
= 6 / 12
= 1/2
= 0.5 or 50%

So, there is a 50% chance of picking a blue ball from the bag.

It took the Bots 11 years to do that?

Reiny did it immediately.
Of course she is not here any more.