how can we find the value of sin -720

To find the value of sin(-720), we need to convert -720 degrees into its equivalent angle within the range of 0 to 360 degrees. This is because the sine function is a periodic function with a period of 360 degrees. We can use the following formula:

sin(x) = sin(x + 360n)

where n is an integer.

To convert -720 degrees, we can add 360 degrees multiple times until we find an angle within the range of 0 to 360 degrees.

-720 + 360 = -360
-360 + 360 = 0

Since -720 is equivalent to 0 degrees, we can find the value of sin(-720) as:

sin(-720) = sin(0) = 0

Therefore, the value of sin(-720) is 0.

To find the value of sin(-720), we can use the periodicity or symmetry properties of the sine function. The sine function is periodic with a period of 360 degrees or 2π radians. This means that the values of sin(x) for any angle x repeats every 360 degrees.

We also know that sin(x) = -sin(x + 180) because of the symmetry property of the sine function. This means that if we know the value of sin(x), we can find sin(x + 180) by changing its sign.

Since -720 is larger than 360, we can subtract 360 from it until we get an angle within one full revolution (360 degrees or 2π radians). In this case, -720 - 360 = -1080. Then, we can find the equivalent angle within one full revolution by adding 360 degrees. -1080 + 360 = -720.

So, sin(-720) is equal to sin(-720 + 360) or sin(-360). Using the symmetry property, we can rewrite this as -sin(360). Since sin(360) equals 0, -sin(360) would also be 0.

Therefore, the value of sin(-720) is 0.


= sin 0° , you have 2 clockwise rotations
= 0