Please can you help as I am stuck,

Describe ib detail, how you would carry out an investigation to measure the density of a block of aluminium?

I would mass it with a balance, then use displacment to determine its volume.

Sorry I don't understand this I have do decribe in detail the investigation could you please give me some pointers on how to start

Thanks again

Sorry can someone please so me how to do this thanks

Of course! I can help you with that. To measure the density of a block of aluminium, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Gather the necessary materials: You will require a block of aluminium, a balance or scale, a ruler or measuring tape, a container, and a liquid with a known density, such as water.

2. Measure the dimensions of the block: Use the ruler or measuring tape to measure the length, width, and height of the aluminium block. Make sure to record these measurements in a consistent unit, such as centimeters or inches.

3. Calculate the volume of the block: The volume of the block can be determined by multiplying the length, width, and height measurements. For example, if the block measures 5 cm in length, 3 cm in width, and 2 cm in height, the volume would be 5 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm = 30 cm³.

4. Weigh the aluminium block: Use the balance or scale to measure the mass of the block. Ensure that the block is clean and dry before placing it on the scale. Record the mass in grams (g).

5. Calculate the density: Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Divide the mass of the block (in grams) by its volume (in cubic centimeters) to find the density. For example, if the mass of the block is 90 g and its volume is 30 cm³, then the density would be 90 g / 30 cm³ = 3 g/cm³.

6. Check the density: To validate your result, compare it with the known density of aluminium, which is approximately 2.7 g/cm³. If your calculated density is close to this value, it indicates that your measurements were accurate.

Remember, it is crucial to handle the aluminium block carefully and take precise measurements for accurate density calculations.