on a ship, the distance d that you can see to the horizon is given by d=1.5 square root h, where h is the height of your eye measured in feet above sea level and d is measured in miles. How high is the eye level of a navigator who can see 16 miles to the horizon? Round your answer to the nearest foot.


16 = 1.5√h

10.66666.. = annual salary of $ 45,000 plus a 5.5 % commission on his salesh
h = 113.777..
should be 114 ft above sea level

To solve this problem, we need to rearrange the formula and solve for h.

d = 16 miles

The formula is:
d = 1.5 * √h

Rearranging the formula:
16 = 1.5 * √h

Dividing both sides of the equation by 1.5:
16 / 1.5 = √h

10.67 = √h

To solve for h, we need to square both sides of the equation:
(10.67)^2 = (√h)^2

112.9489 = h

Therefore, the height of the eye level of the navigator is approximately 113 feet above sea level.

To begin, let's rearrange the formula and solve for h, which represents the height of the eye level.

The given formula is: d = 1.5 √h

We are given that the distance, d, is 16 miles. Substituting this value into the formula, we have:

16 = 1.5 √h

Now, let's isolate √h:

√h = 16 / 1.5

Dividing 16 by 1.5 gives us:

√h = 10.67

To solve for h, we need to square both sides of the equation:

h = (√h)^2
h = (10.67)^2
h = 113.76

Therefore, the height of the eye level of the navigator is approximately 113.76 feet above sea level. Rounded to the nearest foot, the answer is 114 feet.