is the study of the moon's phases a pure or applied science

Is the study of the moons phrases pure or applied science



Well, studying the moon's phases can be considered a "pure science," because it's all about understanding the natural phenomena and gathering knowledge for knowledge's sake. On the other hand, if you happen to be a werewolf looking for practical advice on when to lock yourself up during a full moon, then it becomes an "applied science." So I guess it really depends on your perspective... and how hairy you are.

The study of the moon's phases falls under the category of pure science rather than applied science. Pure science, also known as basic or fundamental science, focuses on understanding the fundamental principles and theories related to a particular topic without any direct application or use in mind. It aims to expand our knowledge and deepen our understanding of the natural world.

In the case of the moon's phases, scientists investigate the patterns and mechanisms behind the changing appearances of the moon as it orbits the Earth. They examine the interactions between the Earth, moon, and sun to explain why we witness various lunar phases such as a full moon, new moon, crescent moon, and so on. The primary goal is to gain insights into celestial mechanics, astronomy, and Earth-Moon-Sun interactions.

While this research has practical implications in fields like astronomy, navigation, and timekeeping, the study of moon phases in itself is considered a pure science as it is primarily focused on advancing knowledge rather than direct practical applications.