A person lifts a 199 Newton stack of books 12 meters high in 7 seconds. How much power is used to lift the books?

P = F*d/t = 199*12/7 = 341 Joules/s =

341 Watts.


To calculate the power used to lift the books, we can use the formula:

Power = Work / Time

The work done on an object is given by the formula:

Work = Force x Distance

In this case, the force is the weight of the stack of books, which is given as 199 Newtons. The distance is the height the books were lifted, which is 12 meters.

So, the work done is:

Work = 199 N x 12 m = 2388 Joules

Now, we can substitute the values into the power formula:

Power = 2388 J / 7 s

Calculating this, we get:

Power ≈ 341.14 Watts

To calculate the power used to lift the books, we can use the formula: power = work / time.

The work done to lift an object is given by the formula: work = force * distance.

In this case, the force is the weight of the stack of books, which is 199 Newtons. The distance lifted is 12 meters. We have all the values we need to calculate the work.

First, let's calculate the work:

work = force * distance
work = 199 N * 12 m
work = 2388 N·m (Newton-meters)

Next, we can find the power:

power = work / time
power = 2388 N·m / 7 s
power ≈ 341.14 Watts

Therefore, the power used to lift the books is approximately 341.14 Watts.