A 784 Newton astronaunt travels to Neptune's largest moon, Triton, with a simple bathroom scale. While standing on the surface of the moon, he finds that he now weighs only 62 Newtons. What is g, acceleration due to gravity, on Triton?


Is that 784/62?

Sorry the help I got did not make any sense. Please someone help

Yes, you are correct in using the formula g = weight/mass to find acceleration due to gravity. However, in this case, we need to rearrange the formula to solve for g.

The given weight on Triton's surface is 62 Newtons, and we can assume the astronaut's mass remains constant. Therefore, we can write the equation as 62 = mass * g.

To find the value of g, we need to know the mass of the astronaut. Without this information, we cannot directly calculate the acceleration due to gravity on Triton.

If you have the mass of the astronaut, please provide it so that we can calculate g for you.