tan(θ) = a (a ≠ 0), find cot(θ).


by definition

To find cot(θ) given tan(θ) = a, we can use the reciprocal identities in trigonometry.

Recall that cot(θ) is the reciprocal of tan(θ) and can be defined as cot(θ) = 1/tan(θ).

Therefore, to find cot(θ), we just need to take the reciprocal of a, which is 1/a.

So, cot(θ) = 1/a.

To find cot(θ) given that tan(θ) = a, we can use the relationship between tangent and cotangent. The cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function, so cot(θ) = 1/tan(θ).

Since we are given that tan(θ) = a, we can substitute a into the expression for cot(θ):

cot(θ) = 1/tan(θ)
= 1/a

So, cot(θ) = 1/a.