Alana has 7 children and brought a $9.95 shirt for each of them. The cashier charged her an additional $13.07 in sales tax. She left the store with $7.28. How much money did Alana start with?

9 * 9.95 = 69.65

69.65 + 13.07 = 82.72

82.72 + 7.28 = ?

The first step should be

7 * 9.95 = 69.65

To find out how much money Alana started with, we need to add up the total cost of the shirts and the sales tax charged by the cashier, and then subtract the amount of money she had left.

First, let's determine the total cost of the shirts. Alana bought a $9.95 shirt for each of her 7 children, so we need to multiply $9.95 by 7:

Total cost of the shirts = $9.95 x 7 = $69.65

Next, we add the sales tax charged by the cashier to the total cost of the shirts:

Total cost with sales tax = $69.65 + $13.07 = $82.72

Now we subtract the amount of money Alana had left from the total cost with sales tax to find how much money she started with:

Money Alana started with = Total cost with sales tax - Money left = $82.72 - $7.28 = $75.44

Therefore, Alana started with $75.44.