how to do root3 value

To find the cube root (root 3) of a number, you can use a scientific calculator or utilize mathematical operations on your computer or smartphone. Here's the step-by-step process to find the cube root value:

1. On a scientific calculator:
- Enter the number you want to find the cube root of.
- Look for the cube root symbol (∛) on the calculator, usually located above the number keys.
- Press the cube root symbol (∛) and then press the equals (=) button. The calculator will display the cube root value.

2. On a computer or smartphone:
- Open a calculator or use the built-in calculator app on your device.
- Enter the number you want to find the cube root of.
- Look for the cube root symbol (∛) button on the calculator's interface.
- Click on the cube root symbol (∛) and the calculator will give you the cube root value.

If you don't have access to a calculator or prefer a manual method, you can use an approximation technique called successive approximation. Here's how it works:

1. Make an initial guess for the cube root value of the number.
2. Substitute this guess into the cube root formula and calculate a new estimate.
3. Repeat the process by substituting the new estimate into the formula until you reach an approximation that satisfies your desired level of accuracy.

The cube root formula is:
- x = N^(1/3)
(where x is the cube root and N is the number you want to find the cube root of)

For example, if you want to find the cube root of 27, you can use the successive approximation:
1. Guess: Let's start with a guess of x = 3.
2. Substituting into the formula: x = 27^(1/3) = 3.
3. Since the new estimate is the same as the initial guess (3), we have found the exact cube root value, which is 3.

Using either a calculator or the manual successive approximation method, you can find the cube root (root 3) value of any number.