25% of Lings savings is the same amount as 20% of Neil's savings. Find the ratio of Lings's savings to Neil's savings.

.25 L = .2 N

L/N = .2/.25 = .8 = 4/5

Let's assume Ling's savings to be L and Neil's savings to be N.

According to the information given, 25% of Ling's savings is equal to 20% of Neil's savings. Mathematically, we can write this as:

0.25L = 0.20N

To find the ratio of Ling's savings to Neil's savings, we need to divide Ling's savings by Neil's savings:

L/N = (0.20N) / (0.25L)

L/N = 0.20 / 0.25

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

L/N = 4/5

Therefore, the ratio of Ling's savings to Neil's savings is 4:5.

To find the ratio of Ling's savings to Neil's savings, we'll use the given information that 25% of Ling's savings is the same amount as 20% of Neil's savings.

Let's assume Ling's savings to be L and Neil's savings to be N.

From the given information, we can form the following equation:
25% of Ling's savings = 20% of Neil's savings

This can be written as:
(25/100) * L = (20/100) * N

Simplifying this equation, we get:
0.25L = 0.20N

Now, let's divide both sides of the equation by 0.20 to solve for L/N:
0.25L / 0.20 = N
1.25L = N

So, the ratio of Ling's savings to Neil's savings is 1.25 : 1, or we can say Ling's savings is 1.25 times Neil's savings.