Find Mx, My, and (x, y) for the laminas of uniform density ρ bounded by the graphs of the equations. (Use rho for ρ as necessary.)

x = −y
x = 5y − y2

I need help with this one

To find Mx, My, and (x, y) for the laminas of uniform density ρ bounded by the graphs of the equations x = −y and x = 5y − y^2, we need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the limits of integration.
We need to find the region of intersection between the two graphs to define the limits of integration for finding Mx and My. To do this, set the two equations equal to each other and solve for y:

−y = 5y − y^2

Rearranging the equation, we get:

y^2 + 6y = 0

Factorizing, we have:

y(y + 6) = 0

So, y = 0 or y = -6.

Now we need to find the x-values that correspond to these y-values by substituting them into either of the equations. Using the equation x = -y, we get:

When y = 0: x = 0
When y = -6: x = 6

Therefore, the limits of integration for both Mx and My are from x = 0 to x = 6.

Step 2: Write the equations for Mx and My.
The equations for Mx and My are given by:

Mx = ∫∫xρdA
My = ∫∫yρdA

Step 3: Calculate the moments of inertia.
We need to calculate the moments of inertia using the given equations.

For Mx:
Mx = ∫∫xρdA

Substituting x = -y, we get:
Mx = ∫∫(-y)ρdA

Now, the differential area element dA can be expressed as dA = dx dy.

Mx = ∫∫(-y)ρdxdy

Integrating y with respect to y from 0 to (-6) and x with respect to x from 0 to 6, we have:
Mx = ∫[0,6]∫[0,-6](-y)ρdxdy

Now, we can calculate Mx by evaluating the integral.

For My:
My = ∫∫yρdA

Substituting x = -y, we get:
My = ∫∫yρdA

My = ∫∫(-y)ρdxdy

Integrating y with respect to y from 0 to (-6) and x with respect to x from 0 to 6, we have:
My = ∫[0,6]∫[0,-6]yρdxdy

Now, we can calculate My by evaluating the integral.

Step 4: Determine the centroid (x, y) using the equations:
(x, y) = (My / ρA, Mx / ρA)

Here, A is the total area of the laminas, given by:
A = ∫∫dA

Substituting the limits of integration, we have:
A = ∫[0,6]∫[0,-6]dxdy

Now, we can calculate A by evaluating the integral.

Finally, substitute the values of Mx, My, ρ, and A into the equation (x, y) = (My / ρA, Mx / ρA) to find the centroid (x, y).