you deposit $2200 in an account that pays 3% annual interest. after 15 years, you withdraw the money.

what is the balance if the interest is compounded continuously?


To calculate the balance of an account with continuous compounding, you can use the formula:

A = P * e^(rt),

A = the final amount or balance
P = the initial principal amount ($2200 in this case)
e = the base of the natural logarithm (approximately equal to 2.71828)
r = the annual interest rate (3% or 0.03 as a decimal)
t = the time in years (15 years in this case)

Now, let's substitute the values into the formula and calculate the balance:

A = 2200 * e^(0.03*15).

Using a calculator, you can do the following steps:
1. Calculate 0.03 * 15, which equals 0.45.
2. Use the exponential function of your calculator (often denoted as "e^x" or "exp(x)") to find e^(0.45).
3. Multiply the result from step 2 by 2200 to get the final balance.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the balance after 15 years with continuous compounding.