The specific heat of mercury is .03cal/g*C, and it's boiling point is 357*C. The specific heat of water is 1 cal/g*C. It takes 65 calories of energy to vaporize one gram of mercury and 540 calories to vaporize one gram of water. If both substances begin at about 22*C does it take more energy to boil a gram of mercury or a gram of water? If someone can give me the formula to use, I can try to figure it out myself! Thanks

heat to boil 1 gram water:

mcdeltaT+ Lv*m

heat to boil 1 gram Hg

do the math.

Energy required per gram =

Q = (heat of vaporization) + (Tboiling - Tinitial)*(specific heat)

Compute and compare that quantity for both liquids.

For mercury,

Q = 65 + 335*0.03

For water

Q = 540 + 78*1.0

Water's heat requirement is much higher

To determine whether it takes more energy to boil a gram of mercury or a gram of water, we can compare the energy required to heat each substance from 22°C to their respective boiling points, and then the energy required to vaporize them.

The formula we can use is:

Energy = Mass * Specific Heat * Change in Temperature

1. First, let's calculate the energy required to heat each substance from 22°C to their boiling points:

For mercury:
Energy = 1g * 0.03 cal/g°C * (357°C - 22°C) = 10.05 cal

For water:
Energy = 1g * 1 cal/g°C * (100°C - 22°C) = 78 cal

2. Next, let's calculate the energy required to vaporize each substance:

For mercury:
Energy = 65 cal

For water:
Energy = 540 cal

3. Finally, let's add the energy required for heating and vaporization for each substance:

For mercury:
Total energy = 10.05 cal + 65 cal = 75.05 cal

For water:
Total energy = 78 cal + 540 cal = 618 cal

Comparing the total energy required, we can see that it takes less energy to boil a gram of mercury (75.05 cal) compared to boiling a gram of water (618 cal).

Therefore, it takes more energy to boil a gram of water than a gram of mercury.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.