A survey was conducted to study the relationship between the annual income of a family and the amount of money the family spends on entertainment. Data were collected from a random sample of 280 families from a certain metropolitan area.

A meaningful graphical display of these data would be:

A scatterplot

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A scatter plot would be a meaningful graphical display for this data. In a scatter plot, the annual income of the family would be plotted on the x-axis, and the amount of money spent on entertainment would be plotted on the y-axis. Each data point represents a family, and its position on the graph shows the relationship between their income and entertainment spending. This allows us to visually analyze the correlation between the two variables and identify any trends or patterns.

To display the relationship between the annual income of a family and the amount of money they spend on entertainment, a scatter plot is a meaningful graphical display.

Here's how you can create a scatter plot:

1. Start by organizing the data you have. Make sure you have two columns: one for the annual income of the family and another for the amount of money spent on entertainment.

2. On a sheet of graphing paper or using a graphing software, draw two perpendicular lines to create a coordinate plane. The horizontal line represents the annual income, while the vertical line represents the amount spent on entertainment.

3. Plot each data point on the graph. Take the annual income value for each family and place it on the horizontal axis. Then, take the corresponding amount spent on entertainment and place it on the vertical axis. Repeat this process for all 280 families.

4. Once you have plotted all the data points, you will have multiple dots on the graph. Each dot represents a family. The position of the dot on the graph indicates the family's income and the amount they spend on entertainment.

5. Finally, you can add labels to the axes to indicate the units of measurement for both income and entertainment spending. You can also add a title to the graph to describe the relationship being displayed.

By creating a scatter plot, you will be able to visually analyze the relationship between family income and entertainment spending. The scatter plot will help you identify any patterns, trends, or correlations between these two variables.