1. You are the head researcher on a study that is tracking vocational preferences from high school through middle adulthood. List the steps you would take in selecting the sample to be used in the study.

2. A researcher decides to give a questionnaire on television watching behaviors to every student in a large freshman college orientation course in her university. What sampling method is she using?

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stratified sampling

1- cluster


convenience sampling

1. In selecting the sample for the study tracking vocational preferences, you would need to follow these steps:

a. Define the target population: Clearly define the specific group of people you want to study, such as high school students and young adults.

b. Determine the desired sample size: Decide on the number of participants you want to include in your study. This should be based on factors like resources, time constraints, and statistical significance.

c. Select a sampling technique: There are various sampling techniques you can choose from, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or cluster sampling. Select the method that best suits your study's objectives and constraints.

d. Obtain a sampling frame: A sampling frame is a list or database that includes all potential participants in the target population. Obtain or create a comprehensive and up-to-date list of individuals that you can sample from.

e. Implement the chosen sampling method: Use the sampling technique you have selected to select participants from the sampling frame. Ensure that the selection process is unbiased and representative of the target population.

f. Obtain consent and participation: Contact the selected individuals and explain the purpose of the study. Gain informed consent from those who are willing to participate and ensure they understand their rights as participants.

g. Gather the data: Administer the necessary assessments, surveys, or interviews to collect the data on vocational preferences. Implement standardized procedures to ensure consistency.

h. Analyze the data: Once the data is collected, use appropriate statistical techniques to analyze and interpret the results. Draw conclusions based on the findings.

2. The researcher is using a sampling method called "census" or "complete enumeration" sampling. This method involves including the entire population of interest in the sample. In this case, the researcher plans to give the questionnaire on television watching behaviors to every student in a large freshman college orientation course, ensuring that every student has an equal chance of being included in the sample. This method eliminates the need for sampling techniques and provides data from the entire group of interest. However, it may not be practical or feasible for studies involving larger populations or limited resources.