Una makes $64 a week, plus 15 percent of the cost of meals that she serves. Use the equation, y = 0.15x + 64, to predict what she makes in a week when she serves $355 worth of meals

To predict what Una makes in a week when she serves $355 worth of meals, we will substitute the value of x = 355 into the equation y = 0.15x + 64.

Let's calculate it:

y = 0.15x + 64
y = 0.15(355) + 64
y = 53.25 + 64
y = 117.25

Therefore, Una is predicted to make $117.25 in a week when she serves $355 worth of meals.

To predict what Una makes in a week when she serves $355 worth of meals, we will use the equation provided: y = 0.15x + 64.

First, we need to substitute the value of x (the cost of meals served) into the equation. In this case, x = $355.

y = 0.15 * 355 + 64

Now, we can simplify the equation:

y = 53.25 + 64

y = 117.25

Therefore, Una will make $117.25 in a week when she serves $355 worth of meals.

y = .15(355) + 64

Solve for y.