what is the range for the data 13,20,31,46,59,68

68 - 13 = 55

the greatest number - smallest number, in this case it was 68 - 13, the range is the answer

To find the range of a set of data, you need to identify the highest and lowest values and calculate the difference between them.

Here is how you can find the range for the data values provided:

1. Identify the highest value: In the given data set, the highest value is 68.

2. Identify the lowest value: In the given data set, the lowest value is 13.

3. Calculate the difference: Subtract the lowest value from the highest value to find the range. In this case, 68 - 13 = 55.

Therefore, for the data values 13, 20, 31, 46, 59, 68, the range is 55.