we reacted acetic acid with butanol and formed butyl acetate which is supposed to smell like banana but it smelled like sharpie/nail polish remover why might this be

this is due to the strength of the ethanoic acid being to strong for the banana smell to come out.

The formation of butyl acetate from acetic acid and butanol typically produces a pleasant fruity scent resembling bananas. However, in your case, the resulting smell resembling sharpie or nail polish remover indicates that not all the starting materials have been converted into butyl acetate. There are a few possible reasons for this outcome:

1. Incomplete reaction: It's possible that the reaction did not go to completion, meaning that not all of the acetic acid and butanol molecules participated in the reaction. This could be due to insufficient reaction time, improper reaction conditions, or an insufficient amount of catalyst (if used).

2. Side reactions: Instead of forming butyl acetate, side reactions may have occurred, resulting in the formation of other compounds. One such side reaction could be the oxidation of the butyl alcohol to butanal or butyric acid. These side reactions can produce odorous byproducts that give off the sharpie or nail polish remover scent.

3. Contamination or impurities: It's essential to make sure that the starting materials are pure and free from any contaminants or impurities that might affect the reaction. Impurities or contaminants could contribute to the undesirable scent instead of producing butyl acetate.

To troubleshoot the issue, you could consider the following steps:

1. Reactant purity: Ensure that both the acetic acid and butanol used in the reaction are of high purity. This can be achieved through distillation or purchasing from reliable suppliers.

2. Reaction conditions: Use appropriate reaction conditions, such as the correct temperature and stoichiometric ratio of reagents. At higher temperatures or incorrect ratios, unwanted side reactions may occur.

3. Catalyst: If you used a catalyst, ensure that the amount used is sufficient for the reaction. If not, you may need to adjust the catalyst concentration or select a different catalyst.

4. Reaction time: Allow the reaction to proceed for an adequate amount of time to ensure maximum conversion of starting materials into butyl acetate.

By addressing these factors, you can increase the chances of obtaining the desired banana-like scent from the reaction between acetic acid and butanol.