The number 3136 is the sum of the first how many odd whole numbers?


To find the sum of the first n odd numbers, we can use the formula: sum = n^2.

In this case, we have the sum equal to 3136.
So, we can set up the equation: n^2 = 3136.

To solve for n, we take the square root of both sides of the equation: √(n^2) = √3136.

Taking the square root of 3136 gives us: n = √3136.

Calculating the square root of 3136, we get: n ≈ 56.

Therefore, the number 3136 is the sum of the first 56 odd whole numbers.

To find the number of odd whole numbers whose sum equals 3136, you can use a two-step process.

Step 1: Find the largest odd number whose sum is less than or equal to 3136.
To do this, start by finding the square root of 3136, which is 56.
Since we are looking for odd numbers, the largest odd number less than or equal to 3136 is 56 - 1 = 55.

Step 2: Find the number of odd whole numbers up to 55.
To do this, divide 55 by 2 (since every other number is odd) and round up to the nearest whole number.
55 divided by 2 equals 27.5, which rounds up to 28.

Therefore, the sum of the first 28 odd whole numbers is 3136.