How can one solve this equation for t with decimals?

Y = 1.3 + 18.8 t - (g/2) t^2 = 0

(Assume g = 9.8 m/s^2, the value on Earth)

how else would you solve it, since it involves decimals?

1.3 + 18.8 t - (g/2) t^2 = 0
I like to read things in descending powers:
-4.9t^2 + 18.8t + 1.2 = 0

using the good old quadratic formula,

t = [-18.8 ± √(353.44 + 23.52)]/-9.8
= (18.8 ± 19.47)/9.8
= -0.068 or 3.91