The Panama Canal connects what 2 bodies of water?

Different answers are showing up on Google.

Most of them say Atlantic and Pacific Ocean but some of them say Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

I'd go with the second one. It's more precise.

To find a conclusive answer to your question, you can consult reliable sources or reference materials. Here's a step-by-step method to determine the two bodies of water connected by the Panama Canal:

1. Begin by referring to trusted educational websites, such as encyclopedias or academic institutions, known for their accuracy. Examples include Britannica, World Atlas, or official Panama Canal websites.

2. Open a web search engine and type in "Panama Canal" to access relevant information. You can also specify your search query by including terms like "bodies of water connected by Panama Canal."

3. Evaluate the search results and prioritize sources that are reputable and reliable. Look for authoritative websites or official channels dedicated to the subject matter.

4. Cross-reference the information from multiple sources. This will help you identify any discrepancies or variations in the answers provided.

Upon conducting this research, you will find that the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean (specifically the Caribbean Sea) to the Pacific Ocean. Both bodies of water play a vital role in international maritime trade and shipping.