8.Which point in the Virginia Plan was objected to by supporters of the New Jersey Plan?

A. Larger states should have more representatvies in Congress
B. Congress requires greater power
C. The government needs an executive branch
D. The government needs a legislative branch

9.Which of the following does NOT describe the Great Compromise?
A. equal representation in the Senate
B. representation based on population in the House of Representatives
C. a Congress made up of two houses
D. enslaved people counted in state populations

11. Which of the following goals is stated in the Preamble to the Constitution?
A. to protect the people's liberty
B. to provide equality for all
C. to protect the people's health
D. to provide an education for all

Is this correct?

8. To figure out which point in the Virginia Plan was objected to by supporters of the New Jersey Plan, we need to understand the differences between the two plans. The Virginia Plan proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population, while the New Jersey Plan proposed a unicameral legislature with equal representation for each state.

Looking at the options, the point that best aligns with the Virginia Plan is A. Larger states should have more representatives in Congress. Conversely, the point that opposes this idea and aligns with the New Jersey Plan is B. Congress requires greater power. Therefore, the answer is B.

9. To determine which statement does NOT describe the Great Compromise, we need to understand what it entailed. The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was a solution to the debate over representation in Congress. It established a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate (each state has two senators) and representation based on population in the House of Representatives.

Reviewing the options, A (equal representation in the Senate), B (representation based on population in the House of Representatives), and D (enslaved people counted in state populations) are all accurate descriptions of the Great Compromise. The statement that does NOT describe the Great Compromise is C. A Congress made up of two houses. Therefore, the answer is C.

11. To determine the goal stated in the Preamble to the Constitution, we need to consider the purpose and objectives mentioned in it. The Preamble serves as an introduction to the Constitution and outlines the broad goals of the new government.

Considering the options, A (to protect the people's liberty) and B (to provide equality for all) both align with the goals stated in the Preamble. However, the Preamble does not mention goals related to healthcare or education, so options C (to protect the people's health) and D (to provide an education for all) can be ruled out. Therefore, the answer is B.