Last month, Stacie spent $57 on 4 allergy shots and 1 office visit. This month she spent $9 after 1 office visit and a refund for 2 allergy shots from her insurance company. How much does an office visit cost? An allergy shot?



subtract the equations
48=6A solve for A, then go to equation 2 and solve for V

Thank you, that helped lot. :3

To find out how much an office visit costs and how much an allergy shot costs, we can use the given information and set up a system of equations. Let's denote the cost of an office visit as x and the cost of an allergy shot as y.

From the given information, we have two equations:

1) Last month: Stacie spent $57 on 4 allergy shots and 1 office visit.
This can be expressed as: 4y + x = 57

2) This month: Stacie spent $9 after 1 office visit and a refund for 2 allergy shots from her insurance company.
This can be expressed as: x - 2y = 9

Now, we can solve these equations to find the values of x and y.

First, let's solve for x in equation 2 by isolating x:
x - 2y = 9
x = 9 + 2y

Next, substitute the value of x in equation 1 with our expression for x:
4y + (9 + 2y) = 57

Simplifying the equation:
4y + 9 + 2y = 57
6y + 9 = 57
6y = 57 - 9
6y = 48
y = 48/6
y = 8

Now that we have found the value of y (the cost of an allergy shot), which is $8, we can substitute this value into either of the original equations to solve for x (the cost of an office visit).

Using equation 2:
x - 2(8) = 9
x - 16 = 9
x = 9 + 16
x = 25

Therefore, an office visit costs $25 and an allergy shot costs $8.