
z4/5 divide by z1/2

same rule as you post below this one

To divide powers with the same base, keep the base and subtract the exponents, so

what did you get?



isn't 4/5 - 1/2 = 3/10 ?

so z^(3/10)

To divide fractions, you can follow these steps:

1. Keep the first fraction as it is: z4/5.
2. Flip the second fraction to find its reciprocal: z1/2 becomes 2/z1.
3. Rewrite the problem as a multiplication: z4/5 * 2/z1.
4. Multiply the numerators together: 4 * 2 = 8.
5. Multiply the denominators together: 5 * 1 = 5.
6. Write the new fraction: 8/5.

So, z4/5 divided by z1/2 equals 8/5.