You leave San Diego and local noon shows 5pm what's your longitude?

it is 5pm in Greenwich England and the sun is right over you

that means the sun has traveled five hours west since noon at Greenwich.
that is (5/24)*360 degrees = 75 degrees west Longitude

Maybe around the longitude of Albany, NY

To determine your longitude based on the local noon time in San Diego, you need to know the time zone of San Diego, the time difference between San Diego and the location where local noon shows 5pm, and the longitude of San Diego.

1. Find the time zone of San Diego: San Diego is located in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), which is UTC-8 during Standard Time and UTC-7 during Daylight Saving Time.

2. Determine the time difference: Since local noon in San Diego is defined as 12:00 pm, and the local noon at your current location is at 5:00 pm, there is a time difference of 5 hours.

3. Convert the time difference to longitude: To convert the time difference between San Diego and your current location to longitude, you need to know that the Earth rotates 15 degrees of longitude per hour. Since there is a 5-hour time difference, you multiply it by 15 degrees, which gives you 75 degrees.

4. Determine the longitude: To calculate your longitude, you need to know the reference point from which longitudes are measured. The Prime Meridian, located in Greenwich, London, is the reference point and is assigned a longitude of 0 degrees. East longitudes are positive and west longitudes are negative.

Assuming you are located to the east of San Diego, you would add the 75 degrees longitude difference to San Diego's longitude, which is approximately -117 degrees. Therefore, your estimated longitude would be -42 degrees.

Note: The calculation may not be entirely accurate, as this is a simplified explanation and does not consider factors like Daylight Saving Time changes or precise timekeeping. Additionally, longitude is usually expressed with decimal coordinates rather than degrees and minutes, but for simplicity, we have used degrees in this explanation.