I've just begun to study Exponential functions: When you make a table starting with:

-2 -4^x What are my coordinates?

is your function y = -4^x ?

x = -2 , y = -4^-2 = -1/4^2 = -1/16
x = -1 , y = -4^-1 = -1/4
x = 0 , y = -1
x = 1 , y = -4^1 = -4
x = 2 , y = -4^2 = -16

To find the coordinates for the given exponential function -4^x, you need to substitute the x-values (-2, -1, 0, 1, and 2) into the function and evaluate the corresponding y-values.

Let's calculate the y-values step by step:

For x = -2:
y = -4^(-2) = -4^2 = -16

Therefore, the coordinates are (-2, -16).

For x = -1:
y = -4^(-1) = -1/4

Therefore, the coordinates are (-1, -1/4).

For x = 0:
y = -4^0 = -1

Therefore, the coordinates are (0, -1).

For x = 1:
y = -4^1 = -4

Therefore, the coordinates are (1, -4).

For x = 2:
y = -4^2 = -16

Therefore, the coordinates are (2, -16).

So, the coordinates for the given exponential function -4^x are:
(-2, -16), (-1, -1/4), (0, -1), (1, -4), and (2, -16).