Which of the following reactions should be fast at room temperature? Which would be slow? Explain

A. KCl+AgNO3->KNO3+AgCl
B. H2(g)+Cl2(g)->2 HCL(g)

I would assume that B would react faster because it has all gases.??

I think your assumption is not right. A is almost instantaneous since the aqueous solutions mix instantaneously. B reacts slower because those gases must mix before they react. In addition, Ag^+ and Cl^- are ready to form AgCl as soon as they come in contact with each other. In B, H2 must break the H-H bond, Cl2 must break the Cl-Cl bond, then H atom must collide with a Cl atom to form HCl.

Actually it does. But room temperature doesn't provide the energy to break the H-H and Cl-Cl bonds and that is the primary reason (at least one of the reasons) for the slow reaction. At higher temperatures you have a few individual atoms present and the higher the temperature the more of those individual atoms you have.

thank you

B b/c A is ionic solid so they so hard then required much more activation energy that is not available early but B is in gas phase which is fast at room temperature but it's decreased by increase temperature

To determine which of the given reactions would be fast or slow at room temperature, we need to consider a few factors such as reaction type, reactant properties, and reaction conditions.

A. KCl + AgNO3 -> KNO3 + AgCl: This reaction involves the combination of a solid (KCl) and a dissolved silver nitrate solution (AgNO3). The products formed are also in the solid state (KNO3 and AgCl). Since the reactants and products are in different phases, the reaction rate is determined mainly by the rate at which the solid KCl dissolves and comes into contact with the dissolved AgNO3. This reaction is relatively slower compared to reaction B.

B. H2(g) + Cl2(g) -> 2HCl(g): This reaction involves the combination of two gases (H2 and Cl2) to form a gaseous product (HCl). In this case, both reactants and the product are in the gas phase. Gas-phase reactions generally have faster reaction rates compared to reactions involving solids or liquids. This is because gas molecules are highly mobile, allowing them to collide more frequently and effectively with each other. As a result, reaction B will likely proceed faster at room temperature compared to reaction A.

In summary, reaction B (H2(g) + Cl2(g) -> 2HCl(g)) would be faster at room temperature compared to reaction A (KCl + AgNO3 -> KNO3 + AgCl).

so the temperature doesnt have a whole lot to do with this reaction?