The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 7 square root 3 units long. The length of one side of the triangle is ____ units.

14 square root 3
7 square root 3 over 2

Each of the angles are 60 Deg.

S = h/sinA = 7*sqrt3/sin60 = 14.

The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 6 units long. The length of one side of the triangle is ____ units.

To find the length of one side of an equilateral triangle given the altitude, we can use the formula:

side length = (2 * altitude) / √3

Using this formula, we can substitute the given altitude of 7√3 units:

side length = (2 * 7√3) / √3

Simplifying further:

side length = (14√3) / √3

The square root of 3 in the numerator and denominator cancels out, giving us:

side length = 14 units

Therefore, the length of one side of the equilateral triangle is 14 units.