If p∨q is true, then what must be true about the truth values of p and q?

if you mean P and Q is true, then P and Q are both true.

I believe p^q is p and q

pvq would be p or q. In that case, either one or both must be true.

To determine what must be true about the truth values of p and q when p∨q is true, we can look at the truth table for the logical operator "∨" (logical OR).

The truth table for ∨ is as follows:

p | q | p∨q
T | T | T
T | F | T
F | T | T
F | F | F

Here, T represents "true" and F represents "false".

According to the truth table, the statement p∨q is true in the first three rows. This means that at least one of p or q must be true in order for p∨q to be true.

So, when p∨q is true, either p is true, or q is true, or both p and q are true. It is not necessary for both p and q to be true to satisfy the condition.