What would a careful researcher ask about a Web site called "Facts about pesticides and health" published by the Coalition for a Chemical-Free Environment?

A. How can I obtain copies of this article?
B. Where was this information published?
C. Is this information being used to advocate a point of view?
D. What's the citation information?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Do you think that Coalition would be publishing unbiased information? Consider its name.

my answer is C


Good choice

A careful researcher would ask questions to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the website. Here are the questions they might ask:

1. How can I obtain copies of this article? (Option A)
This question can help determine if the website provides the full text of the article or if it is only providing an overview or summary. If the full article is not available, the researcher may need to find other sources to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

2. Where was this information published? (Option B)
Knowing the source of information is crucial in assessing its credibility. Researchers need to identify if the information comes from a reputable and peer-reviewed scientific journal, a government agency, a non-profit organization, or any other reliable source. The location of publication can provide insights into the level of expertise and legitimacy of the information presented.

3. Is this information being used to advocate a point of view? (Option C)
Understanding the potential bias or agenda behind the information is important. Researchers need to ascertain if the website is presenting balanced, unbiased information or if it is promoting a specific viewpoint or agenda. This can indicate if the information may be skewed or lacking in objectivity.

4. What's the citation information? (Option D)
Verifying the citation information allows researchers to explore the sources and references used to support the claims made on the website. A careful researcher would want to examine the quality and relevance of the sources cited to determine if they are reliable and reputable.

By asking these questions, a diligent researcher can assess the quality, credibility, and potential biases associated with the website "Facts about pesticides and health" published by the Coalition for a Chemical-Free Environment.