a number multiplied by -8, subtracted from the sum of 6 and 5 times the number

plz help

To solve this problem, we'll break it down step by step.

Let's start by assigning a variable to the unknown number. We'll call it "x".

The given expression can be written as: (6 + 5x) - (x * -8).

Now let's simplify the expression by following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Multiply -8 by x: -8 * x = -8x.
Step 2: Distribute the negative sign to -8x: -(8x) = -(-8x) = 8x.

Now we can rewrite the expression: (6 + 5x) - 8x.

Step 3: Combine like terms: 5x - 8x = -3x.

Finally, we can rewrite the overall expression: 6 + (-3x).

So, the answer to the given expression is 6 - 3x, or -3x + 6.

Please note that -3x + 6 is an equivalent expression for the given expression (6 + 5x) - (x * -8).

number = n

multiplied by -8 = -8n

5 times the number is 5n
sum of 6 and 5n = 6+5n

now subtract -8n to get

6 + 5n - (-8n) = 6+13n