what is mary e. wilkins freeman literary style of writing

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To determine Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's literary style of writing, you can begin by reading her works and analyzing her writing techniques. Here are some steps you can take to understand her style:

1. Read her works: Start by exploring Freeman's short stories, novels, and essays. Some of her famous stories include "A New England Nun," "The Revolt of 'Mother'," and "Old Woman Magoun." By reading her works, you can observe her style firsthand.

2. Identify her themes: Pay attention to common themes in Freeman's writing. She often focused on the lives of women in New England, exploring their relationships, roles, and constraints within society. Understanding her recurring themes will give you insights into her style.

3. Study her use of language: Analyze Freeman's language choices, sentence structure, and word selection. Does she use ornate, descriptive language, or does she prefer simplicity and clarity? Pay attention to her use of dialogue, characterization, and imagery.

4. Explore her narrative techniques: Observe Freeman's narrative techniques, such as point of view, plot structure, and pacing. Does she use first-person narration, or is it third-person? Is her writing fast-paced and eventful, or does she emphasize internal conflicts and emotions?

5. Compare her work to literary movements: Consider the time period in which Freeman was writing and how her style relates to literary movements of that era. She was active during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a time when realism and regionalism were prominent. Studying these movements and their characteristics can help you understand her stylistic influences.

6. Consult literary criticism: Read academic articles, book reviews, and scholarly analysis of her works. Criticism can provide valuable insights into Freeman's style, themes, and unique contributions to literature.

By following these steps and immersing yourself in Freeman's writing, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of her literary style. Remember, analyzing an author's style is an ongoing process that requires close reading and critical thinking. Each reader may have a slightly different interpretation, so it's essential to develop your own perspective on her writing.