quadrialteral abcd is aparallelogram.If the measure of angle A is 62 degrees, measure of ADB is 75 degrees, what is the measure of angle ADC in degrees

To find the measure of angle ADC, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent. In other words, angles ADB and ADC are congruent since they are opposite angles in the parallelogram.

Given that angle ADB measures 75 degrees, we know that angle ADC also measures 75 degrees. Therefore, the measure of angle ADC is 75 degrees.

assuming the vertices are labeled in order, DB is a diagonal.

Since angle ADC is just angle D, and since consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary, then angle A & angle D add to 180. It doesn't matter what angle ADB is.

If the figure is arranged differently, please clarify.

its 118 peoples!